The Ministry regularly assesses major strategic trends and conducts in-depth assessments on emerging and evolving issues that could affect New Zealand’s national security interests. These assessments inform the Government’s defence policy settings.
He auau tā te Manatū Kaupapa Waonga arotake i ngā ia ā-rautaki nui, whakahaere hoki i ngā aromatawai hōhonu mō ngā take e puta mai ana, e whanake haere ana hoki ka pā pea ki ngā pānga whakahaumarutanga ā-motu o Aotearoa. Ka whakamōhio ēnei aromatawai i ngā tautuhinga o te kaupapa here waonga a te Kāwanatanga.
The Ministry assesses the strategic environment, develops advice for Government on future investment options, undertakes reviews of Defence policy and strategy, and produces audit and assessment reports.
We also conduct audits and assessments of the Defence Force to support continuous improvement and undertake specific pieces of work as directed by the Minister, such as legislative reform.
In addition, we commission independent audits and assessments of our own projects or work programmes.

Strategic environment
Assessing the international strategic environment and identifying future challenges to inform defence policy.

Capability planning
Providing investment options to Government, including indicative timing and cost, based on the defence strategy and policy.

Audits and assessments
Arranging audits and assessments of the Defence Force and the procurement function of the Ministry.
Policy Review

Defence strategy
2023 Defence Policy and Strategy Statement guides Defence’s planning, operations, engagements and investment to ensure that Defence is fit-for-purpose in an increasingly challenging and complex world.

Force design
2023 Future Force Design Principles identifies the requirements of the future Defence Force to respond to the strategic environment and approach set out in the Strategy.

Informing the review
A programme of engagement with partners, academia, veterans, the public and Defence industry was undertaken in 2023 to help inform the Defence Policy Review.