Major Projects Report 2019

Major Projects Report 2019

Published: 03 Jun 2021

Category: Publication

The Major Projects Report 2019 provides information about Defence's management of projects during the year 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019.

The 2019 Report contains information on six projects (Air Surveillance Maritime Patrol; Anzac Frigate Systems Upgrade; the Dive and Hydrographic Vessel project; Maritime Sustainment Capability; the Network Enabled Army C4 project's work delivered with Tranche One funding, and the NH90 simulator project. It is the 10th report in a series produced by Defence.

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The report provides an assessment of Defence's management of the projects with respect to schedule, cost and capability. It also provides comment on what Defence is doing to improve its performance in managing projects. Summaries are provided for the six projects, which include descriptions of the projects' policy objectives, capability requirements, current status, recent developments and financial performance.

ISBN: 978-1-98-851515-1 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-98-851516-8 (Online)


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