Published: 16 Dec 2021
Category: Cabinet material
This publication provides documents on Cabinet’s August 2021 decisions for the NZDF to assist international efforts to extract nationals and approved Afghan citizens.
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The document contains the following files.
- note to Ministers: New Zealand Government Approach to Requests for Resettlement Assistance from Afghan Nationals 6 August 2021
- Aide Memoire: Possible Request for New Zealand Assistance with Afghanistan Non-Combatant Evacuation Operations 13 August 2021
- Cabinet minute: Additional Item: Possible Request for the New Zealand Defence Force to Provide Support in Afghanistan for Evacuation Operations [CAB-21-MIN-0323] 16 August 2021
- Cabinet minute: Oral Item: Afghanistan [CMG-21-MIN-0001] 16 August 2021
- Aide Memoire: Defence Options for New Zealand Assistance with Afghanistan Non-Combatant Evacuations 16 August 2021
- Ministerial submission: New Zealand Defence Force Deployment to Support Non-Combatant Evacuation Operations in Afghanistan 18 August 2021
- Aide Memoire: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Assisted Departures and Legal Criteria Submissions 24 August 2021
- Ministerial submission: Transition of New Zealand Defence Force Non-Combatant Evacuation Operations From Afghanistan (Operation KŌKAKO) 30 August 2021
- Briefing for the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Select Committee hearing on the briefing on the Governments response to recent events in Afghanistan 31 August 2021
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