Defence Assessment 2021: he moana pukepuke e ekengia e te waka

08/12/2021 Policy Advice, Publication

Defence Assessment 2021: he moana pukepuke e ekengia e te waka / a rough sea can still be navigated was released on 8 December 2021 by the Secretary of Defence alongside the Minister of Defence.

The document provides a comprehensive review of the challenges to New Zealand’s strategic defence interests, as well as defence officials’ advice to Government on changing New Zealand’s defence policy settings.

Defence Assessment 2021: he moana pukepuke e ekengia e te waka
1.5 MB
8 Dec 2021

Defence Assessment 2021 concludes that two major challenges will have the greatest impact on New Zealand’s security interests over the next 20 years. These are:

  • strategic competition; and,

  • the impacts of climate change.

To respond to these challenges, Defence Assessment 2021 recommends New Zealand’s defence policy should shift from a predominantly reactive risk management-centred approach to one based on a more deliberate and proactive strategy.