Published: 14 Sep 2011
Category: Publication
The Review of the Australia-New Zealand Defence Relationship was commissioned by Ministers to strengthen bilateral cooperation and priority setting.
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The report outlines proposals to improve engagement, supported by a new schedule of regular high level meetings (Ministers and senior Defence staff), as well as regular forums with key academics and other commentators. Other initiatives included a programme to develop young leaders, short term staff exchanges, and more cooperation to maximise cost savings (such as shared training).
Terms of reference
Purpose: To determine how to strengthen strategic cooperation and priority setting for ANZAC engagement.
Scope: The report should set out the current arrangements for cooperation between the two Defence establishments, and assess how they should be strengthened, including, but not limited to: strategic cooperation, capability requirements, and the possibility of collaboration with other international forums.
Consultation: The development of the report should include consultation within the Ministry/Department and New Zealand/Australian Defence Forces, and more widely as appropriate.
Timeline: A joint draft of the review should be produced by 30 June 2011, with a final report due by 31 July 2011.
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